Thursday, June 30, 2011

Games Trump Language Barriers

Thursday (6-9) we dropped by the kids' neighborhood to tell the high schoolers we would be doing an activity with them Saturday. The younger ones all came running to the car to greet us. They followed us around as we went around to the high schoolers' houses to talk to them. After we had talked to all the high schoolers, we stayed a little while to play with the kids. Mik Mik was carrying a 10-month-old baby that she let me hold. She was so calm and content. Ian started giving the kids piggy back rides, and soon they all wanted a ride. When the baby I was holding saw Ian running with the kids on his shoulders, she started chuckling. Every time he started running, she started laughing. She thought it was so funny.

We played catch with the kids for a little while, and some of the other kids enjoyed sitting around Veronica, putting flowers in each other's hair. Then the kids started playing a new game. They taught me how to play, and they all wanted to try to beat me. It's basically rock, paper, scissors. The only thing is, you have to move your feet a certain way depending on if you win or lose each round. You keep going until someone's feet are spread far enough apart that they fall or give up. With the language barrier, I was having trouble understanding how to play at first. I kept misunderstanding how to move my feet, and they kept correcting me. I got it down soon enough, and we played over and over! It was so much fun playing with them. I loved watching them get excited and laugh. It is amazing to me how one simple game can make a language barrier completely irrelevant! I loved getting to play with these kids again and build an even stronger bond.

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