Monday, June 20, 2011

6-4 Saturday

Today was our last day of VBS, so we had "graduation." Throughout the summer, the kids have had the opportunity to earn stickers. They were told that they would be able to buy things with their sticker at the end. We had a store set up for them where they could buy school supplies, clothes, or toys with their earned stickers. We also had some fun games for them to play. All of the games were Joseph themed, as their VBS had been over the story of Joseph. The kids loved the games, and it was so much fun to watch them play! They were so funny laughing, cheering, and getting so excited. My favorite games were the "Dress the Joseph" contest and "Find the coin in the flour" relay. For "Dress the Joseph" they had strips of different colored tissue paper that they had to use to dress a chosen team member like Joseph. It was so fun to see how creative they were with it! We also learned that the color from tissue paper rubs off onto sweaty skin.

As soon as we were finished with the game, they kids started throwing the tissue paper everywhere! For the "Find the coin in the flour" game, we had three plates with a coin covered with flour. We divided the kids into three different groups. They had to take turns running up to the plate, blowing once on the flour, and running back until the coin was revealed. It made quite a mess, but they loved it!

After games, the kids watched Veggie Tales, while we took them a few at a time to the store we had set up for their stickers. They all took their time deciding what they wanted. They were all so pleased to be able to get new things. One of the cutest little girls, Ashley, always looks so apprehensive. I don't think I had ever seen her smile before. But today, she had the biggest smile on her face as she walked away with her new badminton raquets. Baby Lyn also looked so content, playing with her new stuffed animal in her own little world. It was so much fun watching these kids laugh as they played games, and seeing the joy on their faces as they picked out new things that they had earned!

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